Round table

Chair: Irmela Herzog, The Rhineland Commission for Archaeological Monuments and Sites, Bonn, Germany

Description of the round table: Digitizing historical maps and plans for archaeological research has a long tradition in archaeological and historical computing. This round table invites participants who are interested in new developments concerning this topic, particularly with respect to scanner hardware, scanning and rectification software, dealing with maps digitized by a third party  as well as new approaches such as crowd-sourcing of map rectification. Another quality issue are often the digitized historical maps that were processed decades ago.
Old excavation plans and historical maps have a lot in common with respect to digitizing, georeferencing, and assessing the reliability. The difference is mainly in scale. A large proportion of the historical maps and plans of excavations used in archaeological institutions is only physically available and those digitized in the past may not conform to current quality standards.

This round table invites short papers (limited to 10 minutes) presenting or discussing

  • new hardware and software developed for digitalization of large paper plans
  • assessing the quality of the digitalization results
  • limits and potentials of different rectification approaches
  • assessing the limits of approaches that were used during the early days of digitalisation of historical maps and plans
  • web archives of historical maps and plans
  • experiences with using historical maps and plans provided by third parties
  • crowd-sourcing projects asking volunteers to rectify historical maps.

Target group: Archaeologists, archivists, historians, and anybody involved with or interested in digitizing historical maps and excavation plans or in doing research based on available digitalisations of such plans or maps

Please submit your abstract via the online-form!