The new CIDOC CRM and your old data
Advanced Archaeological Training
Organizer: Stephen STEAD
(Paveprime Ltd, UK)
2021 saw the release of CIDOC CRM version 7.1.1, which is the new candidate release for the revision of ISO21127. This training workshop will introduce the changes in this latest version, including the enhanced handling of relative chronologies and space-time volumes (STVs).
The standard is leaner, with the deprecation and replacement of a number of classes and properties. Full details of the migration of existing data encoded in the CRM will be covered in the workshop.
The CRM community has also been working on new ways of handling the evidence of absence with the introduction of a new extension covering Type and Negative Type properties. This comes with a comprehensive testing data set. This will also be covered
Working on modelling and mapping data with the CRM has often been seen as a difficult task: the workshop will introduce new open-source tools that make the process easier and faster.
Who is the workshop for?
Anybody that wants to understand and work with the CRM.
To get the best out of the workshop you should have watched the online CRM tutorial
You will also need a laptop on which you can install software and import datasets (NB I work on a PC so if you want to play with Linux or Mac you will need to be confident at troubleshooting on those platforms)
What do you get?
Four hours of fun with data, using fresh, easy-to-use tools and the latest semantic representation of Cultural Heritage data: plus a bunch of bad puns and cool challenges.