Dimitar FILIPOV, Independent, Sofia, Bulgaria

Keywords: photo, history, comparison, digitalisation

Parallel is an innovative mobile application providing the user with visuals and description of different city sightseeings along with their location on the map and their appearance before and after.
Nowadays local and international tourists have limited possibilities when it comes to observing a certain sight as they can only see its current appearance. Parallel gives the user the opportunity to witness the development of different landmarks as it shows them their current look as well as a historical one, captured in a photo, alongside with a brief history description. Partnership with different parties like historians, architects and experts will develop a solid information base attached to every picture translated in different languages. Furthermore, local museums and galleries will contribute to the experience by providing insights of the certain sightseeings. Additionally, a global map with the location of the sightseeings will navigate the users through their adventure encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone and explore the environment around them.
While being able to explore every single photo comparison, even while not being directly next to it, we have added an achievement system to promote the actual trip to a site, giving achievements based on the geographic location of a user to a given landmark.