* Until 22th October
** Student Ticket requirement: age under 27, the registration will only become valid after sending a digital copy of your student card to info@chnt.at (max. 1 MB, format: tif, tiff, jpg, jpeg, png)
For information regarding data processing refer to “Imprint and Data Privacy Statement”
By attending this conference you grant the conference organisers full rights to use the images resulting from photography at the conference site. This includes the right to use any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help advertising future CHNT conferences in Vienna. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in printed matters and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications.
The lectures will be recorded for the duration of the conference.
The contact details (name, affiliation and email address) of registered delegates will be placed on the list of participants which will be passed to all participants for them to see who is at the conference for the purpose of networking and meetings. By registering for the conference you agree to be included on this list.