M. Taslialan 1 / S. Guner 2 / A.K. Öz 3
(1 Izmir Archeology Museum / 2 Seferihisar Association of Culture, Tourism and Environment, Izmir, Turkey / 3 Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey)
UNESCO defines the relation between culture and development as “culture is the most important jewel on the development crown”. World Bank carries out the Social Risk Mitigation Project (SRMP) with the Fund for Encouragement of Social Assistance and Solidarity in Turkey. With in the framework SRMP, Seferihisar Association of Culture, Tourism and Environment will carry out the PROJECT OF THE PROTECTING INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE IN SEFERIHISAR AND PRESENTING THEM TO CULTURAL TOURISM from July to September 2004 in Seferihisar County of Izmir province in Turkey In the scope of this project poor students from Dokuz Eylül University and poor citizens from Seferihisar will be employed temporarily. In consideration for this employment, by cleaning the surrounding of TEOS Antique City (B. C. 2000) and Sigacik Castle (D. C. 1600) and collecting information, documentation, statistical surveys..etc related to them; two cultural heritage of Turkey and humanity will be presented to cultural tourism and prepared in possible later protection and restoration work. Their condition before, during and after Project works, all activities, documents that will be executed and collected during the Project will be introduced in English and Turkish on the Web Page of the Project. These works of the Project will be carried out under the supervision of Izmir Museum of Archeology.
In the first part of Paper, SRMP and “Project” will be introduced briefly. In the second part of the paper; it will be explained that why it is needed to present to humanity by publishing information, images belonging to TEOS Antique City, Sigacik Castle and Project works in Turkish and English on the Web Page of the Project considering looted cultural heritage in Iraq and Bam Castle which totally collapsed after the earthquake in Iran.
keywords: Protection of the Cultural Heritage, Teos Antique City, Turkey, World Bank, Social