Registration is OPEN
Due to the late publication of the schedule we have extended the Early Bird Dealine: Oct 22, 2021
Tickets on Site
Tickets virtual CHNT
Sponsoring & Exhibitor on Site
Sponsoring & Exhibitor Virtual
Further Sponsoring
Course and Seminar Cancellation-Cover
In case you are unexpectedly unable to attend the conference, we recommend you take out our Course and Seminar Cancellation-Cover from our partner Europäische Reiseversicherung AG. Use the Cancellation-Cover to make sure that you are not left to pay your costs.
A lot can happen before the date of the course or seminar: The Course and Seminar Cancellation-Cover pays the cancellation costs if you are unexpectedly unable to attend the course or seminar for an insured reason (e.g. because of sudden illness). Cover is also provided if you have to break off the event prematurely.