(Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici, Rome, Italy)
The S.I.T.A.R. geospatial databank is a project of the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma that draws on the talents of a team consisting of archaeologists, topographers, and computer experts. S.I.T.A.R. uses an RDBMS architecture to record the archeological data that enter the data base directly, analytically and without interpretation.The logic of the system is designed to organize, within one single databank, data deriving from bibliographic and archival research, as well as data from the entirety of the various territorial investigations (including remote sensing, boreholes, geophysical surveys, preventive excavations, etc.).The system is structured on three logical levels of detail which enable data deriving from a given number of corresponding conceptual categories to be archived and also allow very heterogeneous types of data sets to be organized (these aspects will be shown in detail on the poster through the use of illustrations).
The cognitive and analytical path works either bottom-up or top-down, and has as its primary goal the description of any given archaeological context.In order to acquire and use the geo-topographical information, an optimal procedure for the digitization of archive materials has been developed. This consists of successive steps of rasterizing, georeferencing within the cartographic system shared by the other offices that deal with town planning, vectorizing and entry into the databank. This procedure produces an archaeological GeoDatabase that can be used both internally by the Soprintendenza and externally through sharing and exchange with other offices and universities.
SITAR; webGis; Urban Archaeology and city planning