(HTW Dresden, Germany)
Structure from Motion (SfM) is not only mathematical structure computed from image pixels. Our idea for “Structure from Motion” is to provide structure to start the motion of archaeology into a brighter future. A future that will have archaeologists use cutting edge technology routinely and achieving things that were formerly only possible with expensive equipment and specialist skills.
The last three years of progress in software technology have shown that it is possible to document excavations, monuments and sites in full 3D without a need for very expensive hardware. Moreover, current consumer grade hardware allows archaeologists to do this work themselves rather than having to pay for expensive externalized services and skills.
Our science slam contribution will use creative means of visualization (of magnitudes and proportions, such as area covered over time, working hours, comparative hardware cost, etc.) to inform the audience about the true magnitude of this technological revolution. We will create an awareness, in an entertaining way, that modern software-based technologies are magnitudes less expensive and more efficient than specialized scanning hardware.