D. Fossataro
(University of Chieti, DAS, Chieti, Italy)
In 2000 started the survey in the area of the munichipium of Iuvanum (Abruzzo, Italy) using the technique of “intensive survey”, walking all the area 10 X 10 meters (with sampling strategy of 20 %) and, were we found a site, we walk 5 X 5 meters (obtaining a sampling strategy of 40 %). After three years of research we decided to make an excavation in one of the site which gives provided a large quantity of potteries. This place is situated on the top of the hill called Montepidocchio, and represents one of the best places of Pre-roman/Roman settlements. The main relevance of this place is the position: in fact form there is possible to control the road network of the area and also the “Tratturo”, the ancient track used for moving flocks. The importance of this site is also demonstrated by the remains: in fact we have found al lot of pottery and in particular impasto and black glaze pottery associated in stratigraphical context and so we can tray to date more closely some forms of impasto. For this reason we start an intrasite GIS project incentred on the area of the excavation, using GPS and Total Station to mark the position of the settlements and of the remains as well as of the stratigraphic level and of the main finds. At the same time we catalogued the finds in a database specifically developed for this site.
At the end we obtain a detailed reconstruction of the stratigraphy with the position of the remains, and so we can make queries to understand the utilization of the site as well as the distribution of the finds in connections with the structures and also thematic an chronological map of the excavation.