From the 2016 survey campaign to a proposal for an architectonic and urban enhancement

(Dipartimento di Architettura, Florence University, Italy)

Keywords: mausoleum, Coppedè, Elba, degradation phenomena, restoration

The survey operations of the Tonietti Mausoleum have been presented in a poster during the CHNT 21 in 2016. After a year, with the data elaboration and the first observation on the state of the monument and its surroundings, the work has continued with the study of the decay, some methods of intervention and a project proposal for the re-use of the area.
In this paper we want to show how the application of digital techniques allows the complete registration of the architectonic shape and the decorative parts, with the possibility of an in-depth study of the decay phenomena right from the project phase. Digital techniques, allow to fix the image of the building with a better and more clear result, compared with the manual survey and the traditional survey practices.
Moreover this work has been carried out both on the external and internal façades, thanks to a great result obtained with the use of digital photogrammetry.
The study ends with a project proposal on the mausoleum and its environment. For the building it has had the aim of understanding its original form but also its historical importance within the framework of the prosperity of the Elba Island during the mining period. Moreover the project proposal on the surrounding area, wants to be helpful in strengthening the intervention on the mausoleum, as well as in linking it, and underlining its importance, in the tourist path of the North-East Elba Island.