Call for Science Slam

Marleen de KRAMER1 | Piotr KUROCZYŃSKI2
(1University of Luxembourg | 2Arbeitsgruppe Digitale Rekonstruktion, Germany)

Keywords: science slam, hermeneutics, data provenance

“Provenance is pedestrian? Hermeneutics is humdrum? Metadata are mundande? Not for our competitors!

Are you researching heritage, from student to established professional? Are you really enthusiastic about your project? Can you explain it in a way that wows your audience, without relying on the traditional “slide show and a paper” format? Then this session is for you!

In our science slam, you have eight minutes to show us why your research matters! The theme is “this is how we know” and the mission is simple: explain and entertain!

While PowerPoint and other slide show formats are banned, you can use any props, costumes, or technology you like, from painting a picture to performing an experiment live on stage. The audience will have the final say, voting on factors like clarity and entertainment value.

Are you better together? You can also compete as a team!

To enter, submit a 250 word written abstract (with images) in Word or PDF format, or send in a brief 2-4 minute video (doesn’t have to be high quality) that demonstrates your topic and the format you plan to use. Email or via wetransfer

Please send us also your personal data!