Call for Paper

Meredith COHEN
(University of California Los Angeles , USA)

Keywords: art history, connoisseurship, archaeology, facial recognition, algorithm, fragments

Call: While digital reconstructions and representation technology increasingly have become tools for art historians practicing cultural heritage, AI has been not only less obvious as a research method in the field, but also a practice that many scholars view with skepticism and even disdain. However, there are many possible avenues of inquiry, such as:

  • Can computers learn to identify a master’s “hand” more adeptly than a human connoisseur? What can facial recognition do for the history of paintings?
  • Can the same methods be applied to buildings?
  • Can computers be taught to piece together ruins, or to automate architectural modeling?
  • How might algorithms work to help us understand pathways, points of interest, and borders?
  • How are art/architectural historians creating opportunities across fields to employ AI as a method?

This panel aims to showcase some of the exceptional projects in the field of Art/Architectural History that have AI as a research component with the goal of indicating ways that AI might be used toward art/architectural-historical analysis and representation. At the same time, this panel seeks papers that consider theoretical implications of what AI may contribute to the discourse of art history, such as how AI might respond to questions for which art/architectural historians have no clear or definitive answer. Proposals on a wide variety of subjects and periods will be given consideration.

Submission (open April 15, 2020)
Mind the guidelines