Züleyha Sara BELGE
(Mersin University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of City and Regional Planning, Mersin, Turkey)

Keywords: Tarsus, Hermann Jansen Plan, QuantumGIS, Urban Archaeological Traces

“The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-Project No: 113K132) supported the research project in Tarsus, which has been settled since Neolithic ages in the course of Cydnus River in Cilicia (Turkey), to develop a method to handle urban archaeological heritage within planning process of multi-layered historic city centres. Therefore, primary and secondary datasets are used to evaluate urban archaeological potential in Tarsus historic city centre. One of them is Tarsus Development Plan was prepared by Hermann Jansen, Walther Banghert and Walter Moest in 1935. Digital copies of Tarsus Master Plan (1935) were obtained in high resolutions that indicating urban pattern and conserved archaeological traces in 1930s from the archive of the Museum of Architecture of the Technische Universität Berlin (http://architekturmuseum.ub.tu-berlin.de). By the way, a mound in Tarsus historic city centre, even not known by local archaeology museum, was discored by research group. An area in the east side of ancient bed of Cydnus River, was marked as Hüyk (synonym of “the mound” in Turkish) in Tarsus Development Plan. However, the research team observed that mound wholly destroyed, but cadastral differences with that area and near surroundings indicates a potential. The poster aims to present the process and evaluate a rectified Plan (1935) and recent pattern to undertand urban archaeolgoical potential.