(National Museum Brukenthal, Romania)

During the years 2003-2005, SC Clio Consult SRL executed a few archaeological researches in the old perimeter of the city of Sibiu – Romania, which led to the appearance of some old, even unknown items and making them more familiar to the wider public. The present paper is concerned with one of the houses researched in the last few years in Sibiu, in one of the old markets of the city. The research started when the restoration of the house became a priority and it was the first step in preserving and partially giving a new use to the old building. The primary information which archaeological research needed to offer to the architects and engineers were those about the foundations of the house, but besides that, the research also offered information about the ground where the house was built and its use before that, the wooden building that preceded the present one and about the phases of the house. Where nobody expected, the research also offered information about the old use of the house and the old structures. The old entrance of the cellar changed the restoration plans and the new discovery was also included. The discoveries brought a little closer the civil architecture of 14th –15th Centuries, underlining once again the specific of this old town and making it more familiar to the general public.