(Sofia, Bulgaria)

Bulgaria possess many monuments of cultural and historical value from different periods and especially from the Antiquity and the Middle Ages. There are discovered more and more interesting administrative and economic centres, sanctuaries and shrines, mounds etc. dating back from the Thracian antiquity. From the roman provinces there are studied the most part of the towns and coloniae. Great is also the number of villas and other settlements from this period.
The study of the capitals and settlements of the Medieval Bulgaria is geting more and more intense, notably the last two decades.
All that “imposes” the preservation by all means of the monuments of cultural and historical value. A complete strategy and structure related to the above mentioned is still not present. I believe that we should work hard along these lines, because without the organizing and the institutionalizing of the preservation, the development of the cultural heritage, by itself, but also as a part of the tourism’s strategy of Bulgaria is impossible.