Manfred HALVER

(FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Vienna, Austria)

There are a lot of funding opportunities for all scientific fields. In fact it is a huge mass of funding programs that can not be overlooked by scientists. But where can one find suitable programs or calls? And how is the procedure to get funding? These questions and some more will be answered during the presentation. It will provide you with an overview of funding possibilities for cultural heritage research in the 7th EU Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration (FP7). Information will be given about the specific requirements of FP7-projects, call details and success rates (and of course, how to improve them). Moreover you will know afterwards where you can get help within the European system of National Contact Points (NCP) and support projects when you plan to apply for FP7 funds and especially what the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG provides as free services for Austrian organisations.