(Centre for Study in Cultural Development, Belgrade, Serbia)

Creation of touristy attraction is a complex task. Process usually includes identification of possible spots and potentials that they have, researching backgrounds and elements that might be used as cornerstones for future story, etc. Then, (newly) established touristy attraction needs to be incorporated into complete touristy offer of certain place, meaning it has to be linked with other attractions and places past, present and future. Then, (newly) established touristy attraction needs to be appropriately promoted so it can start attracting visitors to come, visit it and spend some time there.
Now, assumingly that touristy attraction in question is actually existing cultural heritage there are some more pre-conditions that have to be completed. This includes conservation and other preparatory actions that will provide appropriate “usage” of cultural heritage site.
Once all of the pre-conditions are completed touristy attraction starts its own (new) life.
Among Belgrade’s touristy attractions is a quarter known as Skadarlija and Tourist Organization of Belgrade is promoting it as “bohemian quarter”. So, here I shall provide short background of Skadarlija (what is the reason for promoting this quarter as bohemian one and not some place else) and analysis of elements that were used in creation of this touristy attraction. The point is to show that cultural heritage might be used as a frame for constructing something completely different.