of the
22nd International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies
held in Vienna, Austria November 2017
Integrating Historical Maps and Archaeological Data Using Digital Technologies
Chairs: Irmela HERZOG | David BIBBY, Germany
Thomas ERTL | Paul MITCHELL | Martin MOSSER, Austria: Bringing Neighbourhoods to Life in Medieval Vienna PDF [1,7 MB]
Irmela HERZOG | Vincent MOM, Germany | The Netherlands: Reconstructing the Military Infrastructure of Curaçao in the Late 18th Century PDF [3,8 MB]
Markos KATSIANIS | Stamatina Tamatina LAMPRAKI | Anna Maria THEOCHARAKI | Maria PIGAKI | Leda COSTAKI | Evanthia PAPAEFTHIMIOU, Greece: Reconnecting a Fragmented Monument through Digital Mapping: The City Walls of Athens. SDH-PDF [8,2 MB]
Menne C. KOSIAN | Rowin VAN LANEN, The Netherlands: The Importance of History for Modern Climate Adaptation Strategies. PDF [2,2 MB ]
Sara ZANNI | Biljana LUČIĆ | Alessandro DE ROSA, France: From the Sky to the Ground: A Spatial Approach to the Archaeological Research in the Srem Region (Serbia), the Case Study of Pusta Dreispitz site PDF [6,6 MB]
3D Documentation in Underwater Archaeology: Photogrammetry, Georeferencing, Monitoring, and Surveying
Chairs: Marco BLOCK-BERLITZ, Germany | Luca BEZZI, Italy | Moritz MENNENGA, Germany
Alessandro BEZZI | Luca BEZZI | Tiziano CAMAGNA, Italy: Documentation and Sampling Strategies in Underwater Archaeology, General Criteria and Specific Solutions PDF [1,9 MB]
Cultural Heritage and Armed Conflicts
Organiser: Benjamin DUCKE| Ralph BODENSTEIN, DAI | Archaeological Heritage Network, Germany
Alessandra ALVISI, Italy: Conserving Built Heritage Damaged by Armed Conflicts in the Age of Technological Innovation PDF [1,2 MB]
Reza SHARIFI, Germany: Risk Characterization for Preserving Cultural Heritage Assets PDF [646 kB]
New Approaches to Medieval Structures and Space
Chair: Meredith COHEN, USA
Michael KLEIN | Heike KRAUSE | Paul MITCHELL, Austria: The Making of the Film “Vienna in the Middle Ages” PDF [3,6 MB]
Timothy SENIOR, USA: Reconstructing St Katharinen: Archival Archaeology in Action. SDH-PDF [2,6 MB]
Rebecca SMITH, USA: Lost in the Labyrinth: The Unified Plan of Reims Cathedral PDF [2,2 MB]
New Realities 3
Chairs: Willem BEEX, The Netherlands | BernardFRISCHER, USA | Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy
Effie ATHANASSOPOULOS | Sara ANDERSON | Catherine ELLIOTT | Cole JUCKETTE | Amy NEUMANN | | Erik SCHULZ | Kami AHRENS | Aaron PATTEE, USA | Germany: UNL Campus Archaeology: Building Digital Resources PDF [4,1 MB]
Tiziana CASABURI, Italy: The Rome Archaeological Area and Use of Multimedia PDF [2,8 MB]
Giada CERRI | Giacomo PIRAZZOLI | Giorgio VERDIANI | Marco TANGANELLI | Tommaso ROTUNNO | Stefania VITI, Italy: Role of the New Technologies on the Artifacts Seismic Vulnerability: The Case of the Bartolomeo Ammannati’s “Fontana di Sala Grande”, National Museum of Bargello Court – Florence PDF [2,6 MB]
Erik DOBAT | Sandra WALKSHOFER | Patricia WEEKS | Carsten HERRMANN | Lyn WILSON | Alastair RAWLINSON | Christof FLÜGEL | Markus GSCHWIND, Austria | Scotland | Germany: ALAPP – Advanced Limes Applications for Smartphones PDF [386 kB]
Francesco GABELLONE | Marisa CORRENTE | Donatella CAMPANILE | Maria CHIFFI | Francesco FRULLINI | Massimiliano PASSARELLI, Italy: The Battle of Canne: Towards a Model of Immersive Visits through Massive Use of Character Animation PDF [867 kB]
Cristiana BARANDONI | Anna Margherita JASINK | Isabella VALINOTI, Italy: New Fruition of Aegean Archaeology: a Board Game on Minoan Crete PDF [1,6 MB]
Adele MAGNELLI, Italy: A Multimedia Tale in which History and Technology Come Together to Create a Fully Immersive and Multi-Sensorial Experience PDF [206 kB]
Davide PANTILE | Francesco PELLEGRINI, Italy: Consentia Itinera: An Interactive and Immersive Story of the Identity of the City of Cosenza PDF [269 kB]
Giorgio VERDIANI | Barbara GUASTINI, Italy: Virtual Museum as a New Reality: The Case of the “Paper Architectures” Rebuild PDF [1,6 MB]
Colin WALLACE | Ladislav DEDÍK | Jana MINAROVIECH | Dorina MOULLOU, Canada | Slovakia | Greece: 3D Modeling and Virtual Access of Omega House in the Athenian Agora, Greece PDF [1,4 MB]
Reflections and Research on Archaeological Practices in the Digital Era
Chairs: Suvi DEBENJAK, Austria | Isto HUVILA, Sweden | Peter TÓTH, Slovakia
Baya BENNOUI LADRAA | Youcef CHENNAOUI, Algeria: Use of photogrammetry for Digital Surveying, Documentation and Communication of Cultural Heritage.The Case of Virtual Reconstruction of theAccess Doors for the Nameless Temple of Tipasa(Algeria) SDH-PDF [3,1 MB]
Filippo DIARA, Italy: Conservation Analysis Using Photogrammetric Post Processing Techniques: The Example of Early Medieval Low Relief in SS. Assunta e S. Bartolomeo Church in Badia Prataglia, Tuscany PDF [1 MB]
Takehiko NAGAKURA | Wenzhe PENG | Rachelle VILLALON | | Diego Cornejo BARRA | Daniel TSAI, USA: Capturing With Community: An Online Collaboration Platform for Cultural Heritage Practice PDF [2,2 MB]
Sandro PARRINELLO | Daniele BURSICH, Italy: 3D Documentation for the Study of the UNESCO Site of Masada: Methodologies and Applied Research for the Analysis of Roman fields PDF [2,5 MB]
Davide TANASI | Filippo Maria MILOTTA | Filippo STANCO | Ilenia GRADANTE | Howard KAPLAN, USA | Italy: 3D Digital Imaging for Study and Semi-Automatic Matching of Ancient Sicilian Bronze Seals PDF [3,2 MB]
Damien VURPILLOT | Quentin VERRIEZ | Matthieu THIVET, France: Aspectus: A Flexible Collaboration Tool for Multimodal and Multiscalar 3D Data Exploitation SDH-PDF [1,4 MB]
PhD / Master Session
Chairs: Martina POLIG, Sweden | Benjamin STANGL, Austria
Niklaas GÖRSCH, Germany: Ptolemy’s Geography and the Tabulae modernae – A Comparison of Maps Using the Example of the Arabian Peninsula PDF [4,3 MB]
3D Digital Reconstruction and Related Documentation Sources
Chairs: Fabrizio I. APOLLONIO, Italy | Krzysztof KOSZEWSKI, Poland | Piotr KUROCZYŃSKI, Germany
Jonas BRUSCHKE | Ferdinand MAIWALD | Sander MÜNSTER | Florian NIEBLING, Germany: Browsing and Experiencing Repositories of Spatially Oriented Historic Photographic Images SDH-PDF [1,5 MB]
Marc GRELLERT | Mieke PFARR-HARFST | Jochen SCHMID, Germany: Documentation for Virtual Reconstructions. One Year R-A-M – Reconstruction-Argumentation-Method – A Report of First Experiences PDF [2,9 MB]
Richard KURDIOVSKY | Julia FORSTER | Christoph HOFFMANN | Elmar SCHMIDINGER | Andreas VOIGT | Herbert WITTINE | Gabriel WURZER, Austria: Using the 3D-Model of the Vienna Hofburg to Store Written and Pictorial Historical Sources from Collections and Archives PDF [304 kB]
Anne MOLLENHAUER | Tutku TOPAL, Germany: 3D-Model as a Basis for the Discussion on the Reconstruction of the Aleppo Bazaar PDF [1,3 MB]
The Employment of Mobile Applications for Survey, Documentation and Information
Chair: Claudiu Silvestru, Austria
Sebastian CUY | Juliane WATSON | Thomas KLEINKE | Daniel DE OLIVERA | Philipp GERTH | Julian SCHIERENBECK, Germany: iDAI.field 2: Modern Approach to Distributed Fieldwork Documentation PDF [345 kB]
Round Table: The Application of Games, Immersive Environments and Role-Playing in Cultural Heritage
Organiser: Anna Margherita JASINK, Italy; Co-Organiser: Giorgio VERDIANI, Italy | Willem BEEX, The Netherlands
Cristiana BARANDONI, Italy: Minoans. The Application of Games, Immersive Environments and Role-Playing in Cultural Heritage PDF [1,7 MB]
Chair: Peter DORNINGER, Austria
Francesco GABELLONE | Ivan FERRARI | Francesco GIURI, Italy: The Greek-Roman theater of Taormina: Towards a Reconstruction Proposal PDF [1,6 MB]
Irmela HERZOG | Sandra SCHRÖER, Germany: Reconstruction of Roman Roads and Boundaries in Southern Germany PDF [1,6 MB] – Best poster 2017 – category “New Technologies”Stefano MARZIALI | Eleonora MARZIALI, Italy: Focus-Stacking Technique in Macro Photogrammetry PDF [1,4 MB]
Alessia PANELLA | Andrea Innocenzo VOLPE, Italy: The Ancient Walls of L’Aquila, from the Earthquake Destruction to New Reuse Possibilities: A Case Study on Porta Leone PDF [1,9 MB]
András SIMON | Endre FÜLÖP | Márta VÍZI, Hungary: From Inventory Book to Expert System PDF [156 kB]
Arget TOÇILA | Elisa SGHERRI, Italy: The Mosaics of Lin basilica, Albania. Photogrammetry and Musealization PDF [2,3 MB]
Giorgio VERDIANI | Anna FRASCARI | Stéphane GIRAUDEAU, Italy: The Halicarnassus Mausoleum, a Digital Rereading. Step 1: The Statues at the British Museum PDF [2,8 MB]