Nunzia STANTE1 | Giulia TUCCINI1 | Stefano COLUMBU2
(1Dipartimento di Archittura, Florence University | 2Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche, Cagliari University, Italy)

The Basilica di Sant’Antioco of Bisarcio is one of the biggest Romanesque churches in Sardinia. It is dedicated to Sant’Antioco, martyr of Sulci’s island. The church is perched majestically on a rocky spur, in the plain of Chillivani (Ozieri). It was built at the beginning of the XI century by Tuscan-Lombard workforce. We can distinguish three constructive phases, which reveal specific features both in terms of form and also in relation to the constructive materials: volcanic rocks of various type, characterized by different processes of alteration. The whole building and its surrounding area was surveyed with the following methods: photography, 3D Laser Scanner for the whole interior and exterior parts. All data were treated and analyzed to evaluate the most significant aspects of the Basilica. The historical research has also shed light on the evolution and the mutilations suffered by the church at later times; among these it can be distinguished the opening of a mullioned window, which was the starting point of our specific focus on the elements of the capital and the original “pulvino”. The study of these elements was conducted through surveys and digital photogrammetry techniques. In view of the future protection and valorization of the site as well as of the promotion of its historical and artistic heritage, we propose the creation of a multipurpose museum having a low environmental impact and intended as a “tool” to catalyze the attention of the community on the area of interest. The idea on the structure starts from the need to collect and disseminate the history of the church in a direct, clear and exciting way, through the use of plastic models, reconstructions, multimedia paths. The aim is also to provide a space able to be a cultural driver for the entire neighboring area.

Keywords: Musealization; 3D Printing; Digital Survey; Geomaterials; Sardinia