Workshop 1 – Publishing “old” excavations with new technologies, Part 3
Chairs: Willem BEEX, The Netherlands / Samuel Paley, USA
Maria Gabriella MICALE, Italy: Making archaeology, imagining architecture. Patterns of production and diffusion of two and three dimensional architectural drawings in Near Eastern archaeology
Joanna S. SMITH / Mara T. HOROWITZ, USA: The Phlamoudhi Archaeological Project
Elif GENÇ, Turkey: How We Are Using New Technology at an Old Excavation: The Seyitomer Mound Salvage Excavation Project
Friedhelm PEDDE / Astrid LANGE, Germany: The Assur Project in Berlin
Vincent MOM, The Netherlands: The Beex Archives
René VAN WALSEM, The Netherlands: Creating (relative) certainty in the research of [iconographic programmes of] Ancient Egyptian elite tombs with a database by streamlining and collecting relevant data from old and present-day publications
Glen MUSCHIO / Christopher REDMANN, USA: A consideration of 3D models as an alternative to reconstructing historical buildings and sites
Racula KOGALNICEANU / Alexander MORINTZ, Italy / Romania: 3D – interactive ways of presenting a Neolithic cemetery excavated at the half of the last century
Menne KOSIAN, The Netherlands: Tracing the Deventer Defence Dike
Branko MUŠIC / Jana HORVAT / Franc DIMC, Slovenia: Comparison of different geophysical techniques in relation to archaeological data for settlement pattern reconstruction – the case study of Nauportus, Slovenia.
Maximilian SCHICH, Germany: Integrating ‘very old’ sources with modern research
Benno RIDDERHOF, The Netherlands: How to clean up the Past?
Workshop 2 – Database Management and excavations
Chairs: Rainer FELDBACHER / Florian ECKKRAMMER / Tobias ECKKRAMMER, Austria
Rainer FELDBACHER / Florian ECKKRAMMER / Tobias ECKKRAMMER, Austria: A web platform for managing and exchanging cultural knowledge
Fabio CAVULLI / Steno FONTANARI / Annaluisa PEDROTTI, Italy: A WebGIS For the AlpiNetwork., A Web-based application for the alpine archaeology
Workshop 3 – Datenaustausch der Bundesdenkmalämter in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Chairs: Axel POSLUSCHNY / Mathias WILBERTZ, Germany
R. GÖLDNER, Germany: Das Datenmodell des Sächsischen Landesamtes für Archäologie
H. DIETRICH / G. SCHLICKSBIER, Germany: Das Fachinformationssystem des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege, der BayernViewer-denkmal
B. WEIDNER, Germany: Transport von archäologischen Daten – Datenformate und Dienste
M. WILBERTZ, Germany: Erarbeitung von Grundlagen für den Datenaustausch
U. HIMMELMANN, Germany: Das Daten-Austauschmodell AdeX (Vers. 1.x) des Verbandes der Landesarchäologen in der Bundesrepublik Germany
U. HIMMELMANN. / M. WILBERTZ, Germany: Vorstellung erster Resultate (länderübergreifende Kartierung der Verbreitung von Burgen in Deutschland)
Workshop 4 – Modern Theories and Technologies for Managing Stratigraphic Uncertainty
Chairs: David BIBBY / Irmela HERZOG / Michael DONEUS, Germany
Paul MITCHELL / Oliver RACHBAUER, Austria: The Harris Matrix and its digital visualisation in rescue excavations in Lower Austria and Vienna
Kristina DŽIN, Croatia: New archeological finds: Forum of the Roman colony Pola and Forum of the Roman municipium Nesactium, Istria, Archaeological museum of Istria, Croatia
David BIBBY, Germany: What does the Harris Matrix mean? Some thoughts on the multilinearity of the stratigraphic sequence
Undine LIEBERWIRTH, Germany: Reliability of digital archaeological models
Geoff CARVER, Germany: Digital Stratigraphy
Irmela HERZOG, Germany: Monotone Regression – a Method for Combining Dates and Stratigraphy
Maurizio CATTANI / Glauco MANTEGARI / Alessandro MOSCA / Matteo PALMONARI, Italy: Formal knowledge representation and automated reasoning for the study of archaeological stratigraphy
Workshop 5 – 2. Workshop Kirchlicher Kulturgüterschutz – Archive, Archivalien, Archivwissenschaften
Chairs: Walter LUKASEDER / Helga PENZ / Thomas AIGNER, Austria
Peter PFISTER, Germany: Neue Aufgaben kirchlicher Archive
Helga PENZ, Austria: „Tabernakel der Erinnerung.“ Zur pastoralen Funktion der kirchlichen Archive.
Gaetano ZITO, Italy: Archivi ecclesiastici e nuove technologie in Italia
Andreas KRÄNZLE, Switzerland: Reorganisation des Klosterarchivs Einsiedeln (2005 bis 2013)
Thomas SCHARF-WREDE, Germany: Aufgabenzuwachs und Finanzmittelrückgang – kein unüberbrückbarer Widerspruch für kirchliche Archive
Andor LAKATOS, Hungary: Ein Blick in die Welt der ungarischen Kirchenarchive nach 2000
Jure VOLCJAK, Slovenia: Kirchliche Archive in Slowenien
Tomáš CERNUŠÁK, Czech Republic: Katholische Kirchenarchive in der Tschechischen Republik – Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft
Workshop 6 – Harmonisierung von Kulturportalen
Chair: Johann MITTHEISZ, Austria
Wolfgang BÖRNER / Robert SAUL / Peter SCHEUCHEL, Austria: Internetportal “Wien Kulturgut” – eine Online-Präsentation
Markus JOBST, Austria: Perceptible web-mapping procedures for location based elements in dynamic CH documentation
Wolfgang JÖRG, Austria: Geoland – der Geodatenverbund der österreichschen Länder
Karl WIESAUER / Karin SCHMID-PITTL, Austria: „Kulturgüter online“ – Das Internetportal des Tiroler Kunstkataster (Online-Präsentation)
Gerda KOCH / Wolfgang KOCH, Austria: DIS-Steiermark: Ein Portal für „Dokumentations- und Informations-Service“
Tutorial – The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model – New Standard for Knowledge Sharing
Chair: Stephen STEAD, UK
Sessions – Archaeology and Technologies
Uncertain observations of the Past with a modern outcame
Chair: Willem BEEX, The Netherlands
Menne KOSIAN, The Netherlands: Updating the maps of prehistoric landscapes by DEMs
Joanna S. SMITH / Mara T. HOROWITZ, USA: The Phlamoudhi Archaeological Project
René VAN WALSEM, The Netherlands: Showing the usefulness and surplus value of the Leiden Mastaba Project database-cd (MastaBase) for Egyptology by minimizing “uncertain observations” in research on a complex funerary past “with a modern tool and its outcome”. Demonstration of the MastaBase-cd
Andrea BONOMI / Bernardo RONDELLI / Sebastian STRIDE / Giuseppe VIZZARI, Italy / Spain: SilkRoDE: Mapping Lost Knowledge in Central Asia
Tomaž PODOBNIKAR / Christian BRIESE / Michael DONEUS / Norbert PFEIFER, Austria / Slovenia: Uncertain observations of the Past with a modern outcome
Benno RIDDERHOF, The Netherlands: Cleaning up the past
Christian ANSORGE / Martin KRENN / Marianne SINGER, Austria: Digital documentation of pottery
Katrien COUSSERIER, Belgium: Archaeological inventories in urban landscapes, the test case of Tongeren (Flanders).
Peter FERSCHIN / Andreas JONAS / Iman KULITZ / Dietrich RAUE, Austria / Egypt: Rapid Prototyping of Digital Models in Archaeology
Franz HUMER / Michael PREGESBAUER, Austria: Dreidimensionale Erfassung und Archivierung von archäologischen Fundstücken
Janos GÖMÖRI, Hungary: CD-ROM about the Roman Age Amber Road from the Adria across Pannonia to the Baltic
Documenting, Monitoring and Managing Cultural Heritage (CIPA Session)
Chair: Michael DONEUS, Austria
Peter FERSCHIN / Andreas JONAS / Iman KULITZ / Dietrich RAUE, Austria / Egypt: Using Google Earth for Remote Collaboration in Archaeology
Erwin MEYLEMANS / Bart VANMONTFORT, Belgium: Using lidar data in the evaluation of archaeological sites, landscapes and earthen monuments
Michael DONEUS / Christian BRIESE / Tomaž PODOBNIKAR, Austria: Documentation and analysis of archaeological structures in forested areas using airborne laser scanning
Sašo POGLAJEN, Slovenia: Comparison between using a single beam sonar and a multi beam sonar in archaeological fieldwork
Kari UOTILA, Finland: Digital and non digital documentation in medieval castle in last twenty years – how to process it for future ?
Gerold EßER / Irmengard MAYER, Austria: 3d-geometry and 3d-texture. Documenting early-Christian wall paintings at the Domitilla Catacomb in Rome
Riccardo SALVINI / Maria Cristina SALVI / Giulia GRUPPIONI / Leonardo CARMIGNANI / Marcello PIPERNO / Rosalia GALLOTTI / Guy KIEFFER / Jean-Paul RAYNAL / Maria Grazia BULGARELLI / Carmine COLLINA, Italy: An interactive museum for the Palaeolithic site of Melka Kunture (Ethiopia): Archaeological and geological data, digital photogrammetry and web mapping
Peter FORNARO, Switzerland: PEVIAR: Preservation of digital data without migration
Wouter BOASSON, The Netherlands: Suitability of generic data exchange models for archaeological purposes
3D Digital recording and photogrammetry
Chair: Benjamin DUCKE, Germany
Martin SCHAICH, Germany: The Three Dimensional Documentation of Vianden Castle, Luxembourg. From complete 3D recording to photo-realistic VR model.
Michael LISNER / Hajnalka HEROLD, Austria: Die Visualisierung der frühmittelalterlichen befestigten Siedlung von Gars-Thunau.
Hubert FEIGLSTORFER, Austria: Photogrammetrische Architekturdokumentation von buddhistichen Lehmbauten im indischen Himalaja
Eugen DUTESCU, Otto HEUNECKE, Johann NEUNER, Germany / Romania: Digital Documentation of the Fortified Church Schönberg, Siebenbürgen Based on Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Carlo BATTINI / Filippo FANTINI, Italy: Pretended Geometry – concrete perceptions. Utilization of the surfaces of subdivisions and of the applied normal map in archeological contexts: the case of the Great Thermal Baths of Villa Adriana
Michele CORNIETI / Sergio DI TONDO, Italy: Investigations on some Villa Adriana’s vault systems using three dimensional digital survey
Martin SCHAICH, Germany: The Constantine Colossus – from Digital Dataset to Physical Copy
Open Source Perspectives in Archaeology
Chair: Benjamin DUCKE, Germany
Benjamin DUCKE, Germany: An open source enviroment for archaeological spatial data analysis
A. CSAPLÁROS / H. ZEINER, Hungary / Austria: Frei verfügbarer Softwarebaukasten für die archäologische Ausbildung
Henry-Louis GUILLAUME / Clément JAMET, France: Prototype of Archeological Web Portal under GNU/GPL Licence
Sessions – Cultural Heritage
Financing and Cultural Heritage / Project Exchange
Chair: Eugen SCHERER, Austria
Lana KRIŽAJ, Croatia: National programme of digitisation of archival, library and museum holdings
Benjamin DUCKE, Germany: Investing into a free spatial information system for archaeologists
Martin HUTTER, Austria: Structural Funds and the new programming period 2007-2013
Martin MÜHLECK, France: Interregional cooperation structures in the field of cultural heritage
Michalis TZATZANIS, Austria: Funding opportunities offered by FP7 for Cultural Heritage research
Eckhard LAUFER, Germany: Illegal trade with cultural possession: “The real looters are the collectors”
Bulgaria and Romania: “Welcome to the European Union!” – Towards New Horizons in Cultural Heritage Protection
Chair: Friedrich SCHIPPER, Austria
Sergiu MUSTEATA, Republic of Moldova: Preservation of the archaeological heritage at the new eastern EU’s borders. A case study: Romania and the Republic of Moldova
Lia Maria DULGHERU / Dan LICHIARDOPOL, Romania: The Virtual Restoration of the Princely Court of Targsoru Vechi, Prahova county, a Monument of Mediaeval Architecture from the End of the 14th and the Beginning of the 15th Century
Gergana KABAKCHIEVA, Bulgaria: Bulgaria’s Cultural Heritage – Preservation and Prospects for Development
Horia CIUGUDEAN, Romania: Protecting the archaeological mining heritage of Romania: The Bucium valley project
Marius-Mihai CIUTA, Romania: Forensic archaeology. A case of study from Sarmizegetusa regia
Claudia URDUZIA, Romania: A medieval house in an European city – archaeological research and renewal of old traces
Adrian Andrei RUSU, Romania: Archaeology and Medieval Monuments in Romania
Alec NICULESCU, Romania: Cultural heritage and some benefits of reflexivity
New Ideas in International Cultural Heritage Management
Chair: Stephen STEAD, UK
Benjamin DUCKE, Germany: An open infrastructure for international cultural heritage management
Giorgio VERDIANI / Federico PIRAS / Giovanni GUCCINI, Italy: The stone of elephant, the survey of what was not surveyable
A. SIMON / G. FARIN, / C. LÜBKE / G. INDRUSZEWSKI / J. ROWE, USA / Germany: Ceramic Technologies Digital Library: A digital repository of medieval ceramics. The second progress report
Corey D. SCHOU / Earnest (Skip)LOHSE / Kandi TURLEY / Keith LOHSE / Dotty SAMMONS / Michael SMUIN, USA: SIGGI Automated Multivariate Archaeological Classification
Kristina DŽIN / Ida KONCANI UHAC / Davor BULIC, Croatia: Rescue excavation of a roman facility in Pomer, Istria – Preservation from modern urbanization
Vesna GIRARDI JURKIC, Croatia: New archeological excavation in the Medulin bay – Istria, International Research Centre for Archaeology, Brijuni – Medulin
Culture & Cultural Heritage Conservation in Educational System of the Countries – Subtopic: Risk Management
Chair: Saadet GUNER, Turkey
Ismail ÖZTÜRK / Vildan ÖMÜR, Turkey: The Project of Local Conservation Laboratory and A Mobile Team for Traditional Textiles
A. Sultan KARAOGLU SAHIN / Saadet GUNER, Turkey: The importance of conservation education in fine arts faculties in Turkey during EU membership
Mahmut AYDIN / Saadet GUNER / Ali Kazim OZ, Turkey: Importance of International Legislations in the Protection of the Cultural Heritage: “European Union Cultural Heritage Legislation and Turkey Project”
Mohamed EL AMROUSI, United Arab Emirates: Conservation & Cultural Education: National Museum/House Museum within a Modern Arab City
Anatoly V. MALAFEEV / Galina I. ZABOLOTNI / Vladimir I. IONESOV, Russia: Aesthetic Resources of Cultural Heritage in Education
Saadet GÜNER, Turkey: Statement: Announcement the Basic Actions of UNESCO, INTERPOL and ICOM, 2007
Life or something like that Cultural Heritage
Chair: Masha VUKANOVIC, Serbia
Vladimir I. IONESOV, Russia: Transitional Culture and Its Artificial Manifestations: Proto-Bactrian Archaeological Context of Anthropological Knowledge
Vladimir I. IONESOV / Natalia G. LEVINA, Russia: Ritual as Symbolic Complex and Social Practice: Interpreting the Cenotaphs of Sapalli Culture
Andrey V. BIRIUKOV, Michail A. RODIONOV, Russia: Ecological imperatives and tourism industry in management of cultural heritage of Samara region
Alexander A. MALAFEEV, Russia: Art of innovative management in multicultural society
Benjamin ŠTULAR, Slovenia: Cultural heritage in Nature park as a tourist product
Bernarda ŽUPANEK / Dimitrij MLEKUŽ, Slovenia: Cultural heritage and mobile learning: a GPS guide to monuments and sites of Roman town Emona
Stephanie KOERNER, UK: Pandora’s Hope and the Indeterminacy of Public Grounds of Truth
Peter PRAXMARER, Switzerland: Cultural Heritage: Uncertain Reflections on its Creation, Invention, Mise-en-scène, Use and Abuse
Masha VUKANOVIC, Serbia: Touristy attractions and cultural heritage
Alvaro HIGUERAS, Italy: Valuing Cultural Heritage and Distinctive Appreciations of the Past: A New Cultural Colonialism?
Geoff CARVER, Germany: Through the looking-glass: local heritage and globalisation
Mahmut AYDIN / Saadet GUNER / Ali Kazim OZ, Turkey: Importance of International Legislations in the Protection of the Cultural Heritage: “European Union Cultural Heritage Legislation and Turkey Project”
Kristina DŽIN / Aleksandra PAIC, Croatia: Archeological finds from the Roman object on Stancija Peliceti in Istria
A. Sultan KARAOGLU SAHIN / Saadet GUNER, Turkey: The importance of conservation education in fine arts faculties in Turkey during EU membership
Sašo POGLAJEN, Slovenia: Comparison between using a single beam sonar and a multi beam sonar in archaeological fieldwork
Ladislav ŠMEJDA, Czech Republic: Archaeological map server at the University of West Bohemia in Plzen, Czech Republic
Brian GADOMSKI / Andrew PATRAS / Drew NICOLO , USA: The Whitall House Research Project: a project of 3D Colonial Philadelphia
Filippo SUSCA, Italy: The survey of great statue in their architectonical and/or archaeological environment: the case study for the “Aula Minerva”.
Irmengard MAYER / Marina DÖRING-WILLIAMS/ Georgios TOUBEKIS / Michael JANSEN / Michael PETZET, Austria / Germany: 3-D Dokumentation des Kleinen Buddhas (38m) von Bamiyan, Afghanistan